Chamois Bedded Yearling – Group 3 (10kg)
The English name comes from French chamois. The latter is derived from Gaulish camox (attested in Latin, 5th century), itself perhaps borrowing from some Alpine language (Raetic, Ligurian). The Gaulish form also underlies German Gemse, Gams, Gämse, Italian camoscio, Ladin ciamorz. The usual pronunciation for the animal is UK: /ˈʃæmwÉ‘Ë/ or US: /ʃæmˈwÉ‘Ë/, approximating the French pronunciation [ʃamwa]. However, when referring to chamois leather, and in New Zealand often for the animal itself, it is /ˈʃæmi/, and sometimes spelt shammy or chamy. The plural of “chamois” is spelled the same as the singular, and it may be pronounced with the final “s” sounded. However, as with many other quarry species, the plural for the animal is often pronounced the same as the singular. The Dutch name for the chamois is gems, and the male is called a gemsbok. In Afrikaans, the name gemsbok came to refer to a species of Subsaharan antelope of the genus Oryx, and this meaning of “gemsbok” has been adopted into English.
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